Hi there I'm Ashen,

An undergraduate cybersecurity enthusiast with a passion for turning ideas into innovative solutions. Currently pursuing my degree in Information Technology Specializing in CyberSecurity , I thrive on challenges that push the boundaries of what technology can achieve.

2023 - PRESENT
Freelance Web Developer/ Graphic Designer/CTF Player

Working happily on my own web projects / University Projects/Diving into ethical hacking

2020 - 2023
Advanced Level Student

Completed in fully English Medium & Obtained B C C passes in Physical Science Stream

2019 - 2020
Ordinary Level Student

Completed in Fully English Medium & Obtained 9A passes for all the Subjects

2018 - 2019
Graphic Designing Student

Designing Logos,Flyers,Banners for my own projects

Offered services

Web designing/Development & Graphic Designing have been my bread and butter for more than 3 years. During that time I've discovered that I can help startups and companies with the following services


Successful online projects start with good design. It establishes a solid foundation for future development and allows for long term growth


I can code my own designs or even use the customer's design as base. My focus is to generate clean code that's well structured for reliability


i can setup your project to use basic SEO principles which will push your project to the first page on search engines and save you ads money

Why Work With Me

I am a great communicator and love to invest the necessary time to understand the customer's problem very well


My favorite design tools are Photoshop and Illustrator but I can create designs in Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD too


I am familiar and work on a daily basis with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and other modern frameworks

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Delivered projects

Listed below are some of the most representative projects I've worked on. They range from basic web design for presentation sites to advanced web development for online shops

For: Colorscape IT Solutions, Project: web design for their corporate websites and landing pages for marketing campaigns details

For: Colorscape IT Solutions , Project: designed and developed using HTML5 , CSS, JS details


For: Startups, Project: Logo Designing details


For: Colorscape, Project: Flyer Design details


For: Colorscape, Project: Flyer Design details


For: Colorscape, Project: Flyer Design details


For: Freelance, Project: Logo Design for the e-commerce website details

Frequent questions

The best way to reach me is through the contact form of by messaging me on my social media accounts. For a fast quote make sure your provide many project details
The best way to reach me is through the contact form of by messaging me on my social media accounts. For a fast quote make sure your provide many project details
The best way to reach me is through the contact form of by messaging me on my social media accounts. For a fast quote make sure your provide many project details
The best way to reach me is through the contact form of by messaging me on my social media accounts. For a fast quote make sure your provide many project details
The best way to reach me is through the contact form of by messaging me on my social media accounts. For a fast quote make sure your provide many project details

Contact details

For any type of online project please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. The fastest way is to send me your message using the following email ashenamantha122@gmail.com